



来源:昆明朗阁雅思培训中心    时间:2023/4/13 17:58:22

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  雅思口语Part 2:YouTube,一个网站!       
  较近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a website you often visit”。这个话题让我想起了YouTube这个网站。YouTube是一个流行的视频流媒体网站,它包含了很多视频,各种主题都有,每个人都能在上面找到适合自己、自己感兴趣的内容。为什么YouTube会这么流行?甚至发布在上面的一些视频的观看量比普通电视节目还高?咱们一起来聊一聊产生这种现象的原因吧~
  本期Part 2话题
  Describe a website you often visit
  You should say:
  How you found it
  What it is about
  How often you visit it
  And explain why you often visit it
  The most useful website that I know is YouTube,which is a video-streaming site that is popular all around the world.It contains lots of videos on all sorts of topics,so there really is something for everyone.
  The great thing about YouTube is that it grew from being just a collection of silly cat videos and short clips into a genuine platform for excellent content.There are some YouTubers who produce videos that are such high-quality that they look like real TV shows.In fact,many of them probably get more views than actual TV shows now.
  YouTube has changed the world by altering how content is produced and shared.People from almost anywhere now have access to an incredible archive of information.I personally love photography and so I go on YouTube most days to learn about techniques for taking better pictures or editing my photos in Photoshop or Lightroom.I can connect with talented photographers around the world and,perhaps more importantly,these genuinely knowledgeably people are now able to turn their skill into real money.Many people have successful careers now because they started a YouTube channel and shared their passion with the world.
  I think that YouTube is useful because I can learn so many things in such an easy way.It’s not just photography.If I want to make dinner but I don’t know how to cook something,there’s probably a video for it.That is truly incredible,and for me it makes YouTube the most useful website on the internet.
  Words&expressions in this episode
  1.genuine adj.真正的;坦率的;真诚的
  gravity n.严重性;




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